Posted by: Abby | April 23, 2011

Response #6 – RTR

So I know this post has nothing to do with baking, but when I saw Damaris’s blog post on Rent the Runway (RTR), I had to register for an account and take a look.  I’m not a very fashionable person; I like the occasional opportunity to get dressed up, but most days I would much rather choose sweatpants and a t-shirt.  Picking out what to wear is always stressful for me – I have no idea what looks good, what’s in style or how to put pieces together. What’s worse for special events like weddings is that I search for weeks, try on countless dresses, only to wear it once and retire it to the back of my closet and see the price get slashed in half just after the event.  I’ve tried dress swaps with friends, but then you run into fit issues and feeling terrible when you inevitably spill red wine on your friend’s favorite light blue dress and it won’t come out.  Or those panic-inducing zipper fiascos. Not so much fun.

RTR solves all of those problems – it gives you the option to order multiple sizes, chat with a fit specialist, purchase damage insurance, rent back-up styles, and constantly update your wardrobe. Not to mention giving you the chance to wear an amazing dress without the not-so-amazing buyer’s guilt that would come with buying it.

One of the many dresses that caught my eye, from

The occasion grouping and styling suggestions are great for people like me (without any fashion sense) and help to take some of the stress out of picking the perfect outfit.   And ordering from the comfy couch is much more appealing than maneuvering through crowds of fellow dress-seekers at the mall 🙂

My birthday is coming up, which could be the perfect chance to try RTR!  Thanks for sharing the site, Damaris!


  1. I’m so happy you liked my post! Reading your response was super fun for me as it was wonderful to see someone actually read something of mine and it had an impact 😉 I LOVE the dress you picked and I think it would look very pretty on you! It’s a great birthday option…I will keep you posted on my first renting experience too!

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